Monday, February 28, 2011

April 9th, 2454


I think my favorite thing about living so long has been watching the evolution of the plane. I remember the old passenger jumbo jets. No leg space, a reclining chair with a DVD (holy cannoli, DVD!) player tucked into the headrest of the person in front of you. Economy class. Gosh-as if that could ever exist today! So here I am, with thirty minutes to kill before my stream jet plane lands, comparing and contrasting what immortal people must inevitably compare and contrast: plane seats. I'm getting a massage. I can order food in my brain. I've got my own personal restroom. I can recline. I can get up and go to the bar. I can go to the movie theatre. I can exercise. I remember once, in the old days, that they had this program on jumbo jets for people to exercise in their seats. They wanted people to avoid stiffness and seat-ass. If only flights lasted that long anymore! But if I need to use this one hour flight from New York to Europe just to exercise, I could. I'm using the time to write to you, instead. I always write on planes; it's just an old habit, and they sure do die hard.

I'm meeting my surgeon today, a Dr. Malin Twinn. He's going to operate on my brain. Brain surgery is one of the only kinds of surgery I can't ever feel comfortable with. My memories are the only thing that keep me here. The surgery is going to replace almost half of the dead tissue I've had up there for the past number of years. I'm afraid of the ensuing weeks. For the first time, I'll be existing with huge portions of my brain totally gone. And then in three weeks, my new brain tissue will have been grown, and they'll install a new microchip for my memories, and then they'll operate on me again, and well-ah! I've got a fresh set of brain matter. I just can't fathom what could happen if something went wrong. Certainly not death. Thats impossible. I don't even remember what death is, it's so impossible for me. I mean, I guess. I just can't process it, anymore, as something thats real in my life. Immortality, now thats a thought to try and grasp, sometime! Eternity, well, its a long fucking time! But I'm looking forward to it.

I just wish I could have brought Bali. I mean I left him in good hands. The doggie hotel. But he is the only friend I have. I need him to be okay. I don't know what I'm supposed to do for the next two months without Bali. I'm thinking of having him shipped here. I can't comprehend how mad at me he must be, knowing that I'll be gone. I remember when they thought dogs didn't have emotions. Retards. They knew nothing then. Look how much we know! The more I think about it, the more sure I am. I'll send the money tomorrow, and have Bali shipped. I need him.

Anyway, Eros, I'll write more, soon. We're landing. The clouds have never changed their face. Its nice to be among them again, no matter how brief this visit may be.


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